Heart-warming jazz

Anastasia Retyunina
2 min readApr 6, 2021

We were given an article with many jazz definitions, but I’d like to compile the most important phrases and create my own version.

“Jazz is a symbolic style of music that expresses human dignity, freedom, tolerance, boundless spirit and powerful force of a personal voice”

I guess such a definition is pretty accurate. As jazz stemmed from blues, ragtime and spirituals, its main features are spontaneity, as a free-form music, and syncopation. Its rhythmical expressions are saturated with gaiety if talking about hot jazz, and tranquillity if talking about cool jazz.

Firstly, jazz is brash and pulsates with vitality. The fast rhythm with bright and positive melody and beautiful harmonies prove that fact.

Moreover, jazz, being created spontaneously, gives the feeling of freedom and creativity as the musicians improvise on the melody.

In addition, the fact that jazz is played by musicians all over the world makes it the style of music that unites countries by this invisible thread. They say jazz brings collective improvisation, tolerance and respect when performers play modern jazz that combines several music styles apart from jazz.

The idea of jazz being a comforting quilt to be under caught my eye right away. This definition felt the most comprehensive though it was only a few words. I agree with the statement, because I also feel this way about jazz. It gives warm and pleasant feelings, as though you were home.

Many things can be said about jazz besides the things that I’ve mentioned. It bubbles with energy and provides an opportunity to show and expose yourself. No wonder this type of music rose to fame.

I guess, Jazz is what is coming out of your soul, and that is what’s hidden inside, the whole magical and unique human world.

