-Here is a great quote I’d like to share with you-
“Children aren’t coloring books. You don’t get to fill them with your favorite color.”
(“The Kite Runner” Khaled Hosseini)
I picked this quote because it caught my eye right after I saw it among others. It just made me think about the whole parent-children thing.
The message that lies ahead is all about that we can’t make children be who we want them to be. Everyone is unique and has his own “color” So, how can we fill them with our favorite color? Yes, there is no healthy way.
However, unfortunately, there are parents who have bad influence on their children, which I find really sad.
I guess, parents have to see these words, just to comprehend what they are doing with their kids.
I wish every child and every parent to see the inside world and admire it the way it exists, without trying to change it according to their personal views.
Be kind. Always.
Thank you!