Hi there 👋🏻
I’ve chosen a new book! It’s “The sky is everywhere” written by Jandy Nelson

So,my group chose this book because of the story about the girl who was growing up and accepting the real life.
For now,I can’t say that this book matches my expectations,but we’ll see.
And now, some new words
Pang- strong feeling of something For ex. Feel a pang of guilt
Pulpit-a raised place in a church with steps leading up to it, from which the priest speaks to the people.
Treetop tall- when someone has really high growth.
One interesting quote
His face is more open than open book
I think it has really deep meaning that tells us about the guy. It means that he is open-hearted person.
I think it’s important because the main character talked about the guy who was close to her.