I tried to use fallacies of relevance
Hello everyone! After watching season 3 of “Sex Education” , I decided to talk about serious issue. Here are my thoughts about it, but keep it in mind that I was intentionally using fallacious arguments and methods. I hope you enjoy it!
| I think schools should provide proper sex education. Nowadays, many children, especially in Russia, are not aware of many aspects of this forbidden word and consequences that come after. That’s why it’s important to educate and thus help these poor kids, who might suffer in the future because of lack of knowledge that they got during school years. For example, some teenagers learn information themselves, but it can be wrong or not sufficient. They might see something on TV and think that it’s cool to use it, if a famous person advertises it, but they are wrong. Such behavior may lead to illnesses or early pregnancies. In order to prevent this fatal ending, we have to change our attitude and children’s attitude towards this topic.
Moreover, even if such a topic is not socially accepted to discuss, teenagers find ways to learn about it and eventually talk at school. This may lead to laughing at other kids and bullying them, while they have no idea of what is wrong, furthermore provoking psychological shock as they become outsiders. That eventually might ruin their sexual life in future and they might end up being alone.
In general, I think we should explain to children that it’s a part of a natural circle and not a banned or shameful theme as their parents might have taught them. Even if we respect the family’s right to teach them their values, I still consider it an important knowledge for kids these days. Especially if you consider the fact that parents are not as innocent as they claim to be. Such an idea leads us to their background and education, from which we can see why they call their children ungrateful and spoiled halfwits. But if children want to grow to be like their parents, all they need is to listen to them. However, parents are not always the best examples and might delude their kids, so students should stop believing them even if they do.
After all, the healthiest and non damaging way is to bring up this theme during special classes, discuss it, touch on some main misconceptions that students might have or advise them to go to a specialist for a consultation if there is a need. Also, there are cases when parents forcely make their children obsessed with marriage and children. It’s a choice that every person should make himself. But children believe their parents’ opinion that incites their thoughts to be absolutely truthful.
So, we all understand that the situation with education at schools now is complicated and can hardly be changed.|
If after reading these tangled thoughts you are interested in dicussing it with me, you’re always welcome!