Life lessons
On Friday we went to the Opera House, where we had been watching documentary movies about WW2.
The first one was a movie about the Nürnberg(Nuremberg) trials that carried out in Germany between 1945 and 1949. For me, it was a new information, because I’m not really into a history. However, it drew my attention and I got interested in that theme. Especially it was thought-provoking to watch the processes of the trials and simple explanations of the film director, Zvyagintsev Alexander Grigorievich, which I thought I was not able to understand but I did.
I saw his hard work in the movie and his efforts to collect as much information as it possible. I’m thankful for his input in improvement of our young generation.
I guess it’s important to know such things, because it touched not only Russia, but other countries too. I think that it’s good sometimes to know more about some subjects, no matter what point of view you have, and I’m talking about my opinion, that can be described simply with the only thought “When will that times come when Russia will be living in the present moment, but not in the past?” So, as a result now I have at least a picture of the situation that was happening after WW2.
Also, he showed us two pieces of other movies, I found them interesting and painful at the same time. Especially those pictures of children, made me cry a bit, after all I have a trigger about bad things happening with children. Though, it made me think more about those horrible times, I’m still thankful for such life lesson.
They were able to touch me deeper inside than I had thought they could.