Nov 14, 2021
I’m getting used to practicing memrise everyday. To my surprise I discovered the “Streak Clock” but unfortunately only a week ago. So it says now that I’m on my 7th day (as you can see below on my screenshots), but as I’ve been keeping track of my marathon on my own, it’s okay.

Now here is the list of new (for me) words:
- irate — furious,wrathful,outraged
- obsequious — fawning, sycophantic, servile, blandish (too eager to praise or obey someone)
- obstreperous — noisy, vociferous, unruly
- tantamount to — equivalent to
- sentry — a soldier who guards a camp
- squabble — quarrel, brawl, spat, disagreement, a rough or violent fight
Thank you!