Hello! It’s me again. So, it’s been 10 days since I started my everyday practice. So far, I see that I type the words or chose them automatically, even almost without thinking. It’s quite impressive and I feel confused, because even if I know the words and their synonyms I still don’t know how to use them…
But anyway, I’m here to share with you some new vocabulary that I liked and almost remembered and new results that I’ve reached.
- extraneous — irrelevant, inappropriate
- austerity — a situation in which peoples’ living standards become low due to the economic difficulties
- penitent — contrite, remorseful,repentant
- belie — to be at odds, contradict
- shore up — to strengthen ,to support
- disquieting — anxiety, trepidation
Of course, there are more words, but I haven’t learned them yet. Looking forward to learning more and more!

Thank you for your attention!