Memrise practice
Hello everyone! I’m here again to share my results on memrise course. It’s now day 6 of my marathon and I notice how I start remembering many old and new words, though still there are mistakes, but I think it’s nothing to be ashamed of.
Here are some words that I believe I really know now, but where should I use them or how, is still the question.
Here are the old words that many of you will surely recognize:
- Maverick, pioneer, iconoclastic — these synonyms mean an individualist or a person who thinks and acts in an independent way
- Mistif — a person different from others
- Deadlock — a situation in which agreement or an argument cannot be reached because neither side will change its demands or accept any other demand
- Coalesce, amalgamate — mean to join together or unite, combine into a single thing
And a couple of new words that I’m proud to say I’ve learned:
- Patent — that means clear
- Acerbic, scathing — mean critical or direct
- Sham, phony, bogus — mean something fake
- Ascribe to — in the meaning of “attribute to”, when someone believes that something was said by another person
- Copious (actually my favorite one, because I still remember the latin word “capiosus” which helped me to remember it) — something abundant and profuse, more than enough
Here is my result so far

Thank you!