My new book
From the title you might think that I’ve started writing a new book as if I had written the old one before. But no, it means that I started reading a new book this semester.
Now, I’d like to share with you my first impressions about the book that I started reading. It’s called “Telling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Politics, and Marriage” written by the famous American psychologist Paul Ekman.

I chose this book because I’ve been thinking about reading it for a long time, especially after watching the TV show “Lie to Me” and almost having read his other famous masterpiece “Emotions Revealed”.
It’s more of an informative entertaining format for me, as I’m really interested in human’s brain and how it influences us and our behavior. Moreover, nonverbal signs in my opinion are really powerful because I believe they can say much more than the words we actually say out loud. So, my personal goal is to understand more about humans, their behavior and reasons for it.
As I’ve started reading the book I was ready that it could be difficult to digest, but still I was so excited and thrilled in a positive sense. In the beginning Paul Ekman explained that when he at first started studying this topic and doing pre-researching he couldn’t even think how useful this book and his research would be. As he was sure such work is focused on the people with deviant behavior, but it turned out to be important for ordinary people as well, especially in politics and business.
So, I guess I’ll try to keep up and read both books for better and broader understanding of humans and behavioral psychology.
And here are just some phrases and words that caught my eye:
- deceit (an act of keeping the truth hidden, especially to get an advantage)
- equilibrium of human consciousness (a state of balance, a calm mental state of person’s understanding and awareness of the world)
- a fleeting facial expression of despair (a facial expression that shows feeling of no hope that is about to disappear)
- idiosyncratic (having strange or unusual habits, ways of behaving, or features)
- telltale signs (signs that allow a hidden emotion to become known, to be noticed)
Thank you for reading!