I’d like to share some knowledge with you
I believe that nobody can make you read or watch something, so I’ll just advice you what in my opinon is helpful and interesting at the same time.
Lerning language begins from songs, I know that there are lots of slang word, but it’s helpful for your ability to hear English, because it’s like a real practise. And when you start to hear all words, no metter you understand them or not, you’ll see how you started not only hearing everything but also learning constructions.
Of course songs are not the most important part, but how we can do without learning words and understanding them. Books and movies can help you. By the way, reading book without translation is better than translate each word which you don’t get. Just read and remember constractions and try to undersand it in context,and then translate.
Anyway it’s my own opinion and each person has his own one ;)