/New PR session/
I have some new words for you:
To be bonkers- быть чокнутым
Bury- закопать, похоронить
Squat- сидеть на корточках
Squeal- визжать
And also I have something to say about the book I’m reading.
Actually there are not many and detailed descriptions of nature in this book. But here is one piece. The characters are in the deep forest. It’s summer. It’s sunny and warm. They are happy and I can see how the sun is touching them by its rays. I see how they are smiling and talking. I hear the singing of the birds in the forest. This scene shows us how the characters are in love and I find it important because it’s that rare moment when the main character, Lennie, forgets about her sister’s death.
So, I guess it’s all for now.