Now it’s time to tell you about my project.
First of all, I’m organizing a highly dangerous and very important space program in South Korea. So I need really brave people in my team:)

After discussion with different candidates I made my decision of whom I’m going to choose. It was quite hard to do it, because I liked a lot of resumes. Nevertheless, these three future participants satisfied my requirements.
Firstly,it will be Alex Day from New York,USA
Because of:
-The most important fact that she knows Chinese. I choose her because she knows this language very well, and Chinese language is closer to Korean language than any others.
-She likes to help people. So she would like to do this work because space is a part of nature as all people
-Also she is a journalist, so she can write some articles about this project. Importance of this program will draw people’s attention.
Secondly, I would like to see Eve from Kansas, USA in my project.
Because she :
-She is a biologist , so she knows this theme well. She will help us with scientific calculations and some research.
-She also has a masters degree in Cognitive science.
-She is responsible, well-organized. It will be good to have such a qualified person in our team.
In addition I would offer this position to Charlie from France,who lives in Alaska now.
-She also knows Chinese,even it’s on the basic level. And it will help in our program, because we need to communicate with people there.
-She is good at time-management, organization of work, which I think is useful features. So she will help us to make the project well done.
Well, I hope that the list of descriptions of my choice is reasonable.:)