So, it’s time to write a letter to myself
Dear Stacey,
Hi! How is your life going? I hope you’re not giving up to see positive side of things. I also hope that you’re pushing hard to learn German, Spanish and sure English. You know I have a lot to share with you.
As you know, in February I began a challenge which meant that I started living in english. But actually it wasn’t a challenge for me, because i usually live in english atmosphere using my phone, instagram and other apps. So, i guess i’m dealing with it good.
Also, a couple of months ago I told myself to start planning my time. It really helped me to live :) I hope i’ll continue planning everything more and more because i like to control things in my life.
Moreover, I set some challenges for better studying, and I’m still continue doing it.
During this few months we had a couple of cool events: the first, we made “an interview with a famous athlete” in pairs. I liked making video and watching to others’ videos. Also we were making “the Accent Contest” , we had so much fun, organizing the competition and taking part in it. I had so many pleasant and overwhelming emotions.
Also, you know, almost a month ago my groupmate and I went to a rap concert. It was such a magic night with a chilly wind, a bright pink sunset and humid air. When we went into a concert hall I felt a pleasant atmosphere of cool music and fun. I felt so much emotions and excitements. It was a marvelous day.
I guess I will give you a piece of advice. Try to be nice to yourself and even to people who are trying to put you down. Try to accept everything and every situation in your life. Just now that you can do everything if you know why you’re doing it.
Your Stacey from past